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Posted by admin- in Home -21/11/17Islam and Sikhism Wikipedia. Islam is an Abrahamic religion founded in the Arabian peninsula, while Sikhism is a Dharmic religion founded in the Indian subcontinent. Islam means submission to the will of God. 12 The word Sikh is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning disciple, or one who learns. 3Both religions are monotheistic, although Sikhs, unlike Muslims believe that the One creator permeates the creation. 45 Islam believes that Muhammad was the last prophet, to whom the Quran was revealed by God in the 7th century CE. Its primary sources of teachings come from the Quran, which Muslims believe is the word of God, and the Sunnah, the life examples and practices of the prophet Muhammad. 6 Sikhism was founded in the 1. CE by Guru Nanak and the Guru Granth Sahib is the scripture followed by Sikhs as The Living Guru. 47In Islam, the legal system based on the Quran and the Sunnah is known as Sharia there is no such legal system mentioned in Guru Granth Sahib. Islam does not allow apostasy,8 whereas Sikhism allows freedom of conscience. 9 Daily prayers are one of the pillars of Islam and is mandatory for eligible Muslims. 1. Baptized Sikhs read the five banis prayers as part of their daily routine, Nitnem. Welcome to IEEE TENCON 2016 TENCONis a premier international technical conference of IEEE Region 10, which comprises 57 Sections, 6 Councils, 21 Subsections, 514. Get KVPY Syllabus 2018 for SA, SB and SX stream from here. Applied candidates for Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana can also download syllabus PDF from here. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications IJERA is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research. There are a number of nefarious activities to watch out for when your Social Security number has been compromised. With the recent Equifax data breach, you might be. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices publishes original and significant contributions relating to the theory, modeling, design, performance and reliability of. Islam requires annual zakah alms giving by Muslims, while Sikhism encourages alms giving but does not compel it. 1. Kirat Karna doing an honest livelihood earning honestly without any sort of corruption, Naam Japna to praise, read and follow The One and Vand Chhako Selfless service Sewa and sharing with others are fundamental to Sikhism given by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY PHYSICS Modified on 4th Feb 2014 SUBJECT CODE 2110011 B. E. 1st YEAR Type of course Engineering Science Prerequisite Engineering. Download FREE PDF Mathematics Ebooks for IIT JEE Main and JEE Advance and All other Engineering exams. How Electric Motors Work. December 1, 2002 for QuietFlyer Magazine. Much has been written about choosing the right motor, estimating performance, installing the motor. Review Article. Current Concepts. Jane F. Desforges, M. D., Editor. Management of a Solitary Thyroid Nodule. Ernest L. Mazzaferri. N Engl J Med 1993 328553559. Pilgrimage to Mecca is a crucial part of Islam, while Sikhism denounces pilgrimages, circumcision and rituals. 1. ComparisoneditSikhism believes that God is formless nirankar. 41. It has been called a form of pantheism,5 as well as monotheism. 4Islam believes in one God with Muhammad as his last messenger. It denies other gods, and is strictly monotheistic tawd. 1. This Islamic doctrine is a part of its Shahada. 1. Guru and MessengerseditSikhism reveres the ten human Gurus of Sikhs, but accepts that there were many divine messengers, including Krishna, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed in other religions. 4Islam believes that before Muhammad there were many messengers of God, Muhammad was the last messenger, and Quran was the last revelation to the last prophet. 61. DutiesArticles of FaitheditThe Five Pillars of Islam are duties incumbent on every Muslim. These duties are Shahada testimony that There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God,8Salat prayers, Zakat Giving of Alms, Sawm Fasting during Ramadan and Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. These five practices are essential to Sunni Islam Shia Muslims subscribe to eight ritual practices which substantially overlap with the five Pillars. 1. The three duties of Sikhs are Naam Japna meditating on Wahegurus name, Kirat Karni earn honest living and Vand Chakna sharing ones earning with others. 1. Social beliefseditSikhism has an ambivalent attitude towards miracles and rejects any form of discrimination within and against other religions. 2. Sikhism does not believe in rituals, but is permissive of traditions. 7Sikhism rejects asceticism and celibacy. 2. The Sikhism founder Guru Nanak adopted the Indic ideas on rebirth, and taught the ideas of reincarnation. 2. Adi Granth of Sikhism recognizes and includes spiritual wisdom from other religions. 72. Islam warns against wrongful innovation bidah to what is revealed in the Quran and the Hadiths. 7Islam considers itself to be a perfect and final religion. 2. It warns against innovation bidah to what is revealed in the Quran and the Hadiths. 7 It considers other religions and non believers in Islam as wrongly guided and infidels. 2. Islam does not recognize and accept spiritual wisdom from other religions. 72. Islam believes in miracles and a final judgment day Qiyama. 2. Islam believes that there are severe punishments in the afterlife akhirah for those who do not submit to Islam, who refuse or reject Islamic teachings, calling them kafir and infidels. 2. Sikhism does not preach or accept this view of those who are not Sikhs. ApostasyeditApostasy, that is abandonment of Islam by a Muslim and conversion to another religion or atheism, is a religious crime in Islam punishable with death. 82. According to the Hadiths, states John Esposito, leaving Islam is punishable by beheading, crucifixion or banishment, and Sharia Islamic legal code traditionally has required death by the sword for an adult sane male who voluntarily leaves Islam. 8 However, adds Esposito, modern thinkers have argued against execution as penalty for apostasy from Islam by invoking Quranic verse 2 2. Sikhism allows freedom of conscience and apostasy. 9View on other religionseditSikhism teaches that all religious traditions are valid, leading to the same Waheguru, and it rejects that any particular religion has a monopoly regarding absolute truth for all of humanity. 2. Islam teaches that non Islamic religious traditions have been distorted by man to suit their desires. 3. PredestinationeditIslam believes in predestination, or divine preordainment al qad wa l qadar, God has full knowledge and control over all that occurs. 3. According to Islamic tradition, all that has been decreed by God is written in al Lawh al Mahfz, the Preserved Tablet. 3. Sikhism also believes in predestination, and what one does, speaks and hears is already pre ordained, and one has to simply follow the laid down path per Gods fiat or Hukum. 3. PracticeeditGrooming and dresseditThe Khalsa panth among Sikhs are guided by the five Ks. They keep their head hair long kesh and both men and women wear turbans head hair cover. They carry a wooden comb, wear an iron bracelet, wear a cotton underwear, and carry a kirpan steel sword. 3. Non baptized Sikh women are free to dress as they wish in Sikhism. Sex segregation is not required in public places or Sikh temples by Sikhism. 3. Muslim males are encouraged to grow their beards and trim the moustache. 3. Men in some Muslim communities wear turban head cap. 3. Muslim men, as well as women, must dress modestly. For Muslim women, it is highly recommended to cover their hair. Muslim women are required to cover body in public,4. Islamic scholars stating that the Islamic Hadiths require covering the face too. 4. These restrictions are called Hijab. Islam encourages gender segregation in public, and Muslim men and women do not usually mix in public places such as mosques. These restrictions are part of Adab. 3. CircumcisioneditSikhism does not require circumcision of either males or females, and criticizes the practice. 4. In Islam, no verse in the Quran supports male or female circumcision FGMC. 4. Male circumcision is a widespread practice and considered mandatory for Muslim males according to Sunnah. 4. Muslim scholars disagree whether any authentic Sunnah in the hadiths supports the practice of female circumcision. 4. The Ijma, or consensus of Muslim scholars, varies by the Islamic jurisprudence fiqh on whether circumcision is optional, honorable or obligatory for Muslim male and females. note 1 Prominent Islamic scholars have both supported and opposed FGMC for female Muslims. 4. Islam has Quranic restrictions on food, such as how the meat is prepared. 5.