Sql Server Odbc Driver 3.80
Posted by admin- in Home -24/09/17The Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver has no dependence on the DBLibrary DLL. Microsoft ODBC 3. 0 Software Development Kit and Programmers Reference. Oracle ODBC Driver does not support the following Oracle ODBC 3. 0. server protocols, Oracle ODBC Driver must fetch. Oracle ODBC Driver binds SQLTIMESTAMP. ODBC Programmers Reference Microsoft Docs. The ODBC Programmers Reference contains the following sections. The ODBC interface is designed for use with the C programming language. Use of the ODBC interface spans three areas SQL statements, ODBC function calls, and C programming. This documentation assumes the following The code examples in this guide are designed for illustration purposes only.
Because they are written primarily to demonstrate ODBC principles, efficiency has sometimes been set aside in the interest of clarity. In addition, whole sections of code have sometimes been omitted for clarity. These include the definitions of non ODBC functions those functions whose names do not start with SQL and most error handling. All code examples use ANSI strings and the same database schema, which is shown at the start of Catalog Functions. Database Language SQL with Integrity Enhancement, ANSI, 1. ANSI X3. 1. 35 1. Database Language SQL ANSI X3. H2 and ISOIEC JTC1SC2. WG3 9. 07. 5 1. 99. SQL 9. 2. Open Group, Data Management Structured Query Language SQL, Version 2 The Open Group, 1. In addition to standards and vendor specific SQL guides, many books describe SQL, including Date, C. J., with Darwen, Hugh A Guide to the SQL Standard Addison Wesley, 1. Emerson, Sandra L., Darnovsky, Marcy, and Bowman, Judith S. The Practical SQL Handbook Addison Wesley, 1. Groff, James R. and Weinberg, Paul N. Using SQL Osborne Mc. Graw Hill, 1. 99. Gruber, Martin Understanding SQL Sybex, 1. Hursch, Jack L. and Carolyn J. SQL, The Structured Query Language TAB Books, 1. Melton, Jim, and Simon, Alan R. Understanding the New SQL A Complete Guide Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1. Pascal, Fabian SQL and Relational Basics M T Books, 1. Trimble, J. Harvey, Jr. Chappell, David A Visual Introduction to SQL Wiley, 1. Van der Lans, Rick F. Introduction to SQL Addison Wesley, 1. Vang, Soren SQL and Relational Databases Microtrend Books, 1. Viescas, John Quick Reference Guide to SQL Microsoft Corp., 1. For additional information about transaction processing, see Gray, J. N. and Reuter, Andreas Transaction Processing Concepts and Techniques Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1. Hackathorn, Richard D. Enterprise Database Connectivity Wiley Sons, 1. For more information about Call Level Interfaces, the following standards are available Open Group, Data Management SQL Call Level Interface CLI, C4. Open Group, 1. 99. ISOIEC 9. 07. 5 3 1. Call Level Interface SQLCLI. For additional information about ODBC, a number of books are available, including Geiger, Kyle Inside ODBC Microsoft Press, 1. Gryphon, Robert, Charpentier, Luc, Oelschlager, Jon, Shoemaker, Andrew, Cross, Jim, and Lilley, Albert W. Using ODBC 2 Que, 1. Johnston, Tom and Osborne, Mark ODBC Developers Guide Howard W. Sams Company, 1. North, Ken Windows Multi DBMS Programming Using C, Visual Basic, ODBC, OLE 2 and Tools for DBMS Projects John Wiley Sons, Inc., 1.
Unprecedented connectivity to 80. Unicodeenabled 3264bit ODBC 3. 8 compliant Driver for. Applications that can access SQL Server or MySQL data can now. This feature will be removed in the next version of Microsoft SQL Server. SQLDMO clients require SQL Server ODBC Driver, version 3. 80 or later. Stegman, Michael O., Signore, Robert, and Creamer, John The ODBC Solution, Open Database Connectivity in Distributed Environments Mc. Graw Hill, 1. 99. Welch, Keith Using ODBC 2 Que, 1. Sql Server Odbc
Odbc 13Whiting, Bill Teach Yourself ODBC in Twenty One Days Howard W. Sams Company, 1.